Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Finnish House fair

In Finland there is an interesting concept of trade show. The house fair. Every year a city gives away a whole piece of land to be built as a new neighbourhood. The construction companies go and build their showcases in this area, and then they sell the houses after the fair. The houses can be visited during the summer. they are fully furnished, and become a living ad for those companies that do the best possible product placement.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fjord's weekend in Devon

Also in June both offices went for a strategy an company weekend to Mike's farm in Devon. We had excellent hosts in Mike's family, weather, food and productive time. For the new people at Fjord I am sure it was almost shocking to see the range and quality of the projects we do across offices. We came out of Devon with a new strategy and plan for the next months, specially our website, which will be launched soon.

Picnic at Tervasaari

Last June we organized a small picninc at island of Tervasaari, wich is a few hundred meter in front of our office in Helsinki. Tanje took care of the catering.