Friday, April 08, 2005

Before the presentation

Before the presentation
Originally uploaded by Inaki.
I am going to miss a lot to work with the team again. Ville, Wilhelm, Niina, Hiltrud and Niall were a dream team. It was a pleasure to work with you and I really hope that we can work together again in the future. And not to forget Anna’s support, mentoring and advices, you are the best coach.

Voy a echar de menos un montón trabajar con el equipo de Oxford. Ville, Wilhelm, Niina, Hiltrud y Niall son el Dream Team. Fue un placer trabajar con ellos y espero que alguna vez podamos trabajar juntos de nuevo en el futuro. Y por supuesto no puedo olvidar el apoyo, consejos y estimulo de Anna, eres la mejor entrenadora

Receiving the prize

Originally uploaded by Inaki.
We did it!!!! We beat the best business schools in Europe with our strategy in the business case competition organized by European Clearance Case House last weekend in Oxford. We got the second prize and the special prize of the jury, just after INSEAD from France, leaving behind the most prestigious schools such as IMD, London School of Economics, IESE, ESADE, etc. The case was about Softline a South African software manufacturer that had to decide the future strategy under the pressure of growing competition and the restrictions of the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy establish by the government. The keys of our success were our strategy focused in using the BEE as growth opportunity, and our excellent team presentation.

Lo conseguimos!!! Hemos machacado a las mejores escuelas de negocios de Europa con nuestra estrategia innovadora. Todo paso el fin de semana pasado en la competición de casos de negocios organizada por European Clearance Case House en Oxford. Ganamos dos de los tres premios posibles, el segundo puesto tras INSEAD de Francia y el premio especial del jurado. Dejamos detrás a escuelas como IMD, London School of Economics, IESE, ESADE, etc. El caso giraba entorno a Softline, una empresa de software para empresas de Sudáfrica que tenia que decidir que tipo de estrategia debe elegir para hacer frente al continuo acecho de la competencia y de las restricciones impuestas por las políticas de potenciación económica para la mayoría negra. La clave de nuestro éxito fue centrar nuestra estrategia en utilizar la política del gobierno como una oportunidad de crecimiento, combinado con una presentación y puesta en escena perfecta.

Lecturing in Poland

Originally uploaded by Inaki.
I went to teach to Poland on modern entrepreneurship and virtual companies. Polish young generations are very interested to overcome the traditional barriers that system has imposed to anyone that wants to start a new business. I was happy to see that my ideas and methods on how virtual companies can help to educate and motivate students were very welcome. Thanks to Dariusz, Krystian the University of Bialystok and Siedlce. More pictures and articles in my personal blog.